Action verbs

Есть в наличии

Action Verbs & phrases

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Что в наборе?

  • 103 карточки с иллюстрациями действий
  • 103 карточки со словами и фразами

Содержание: play the guitar, the violin, the drums, the piano, sing, dance, cook, draw, paint, colour, ride a bike, roller skate, ski, skate, snowboard, skateboard, jump, fly, swim, snorkel, dive, surf, sail, read a book, a newspaper, a magazine, climb, play football, tennis, basketball, golf, baseball, hockey, chess, a board game, have a bath, a shower, have breakfast, lunch, dinner, meet friends, go shopping, eat, drink, listen to music, take photos, surf the Net, throw a ball, catch a ball, kick a ball, walk, run, stand, water a plant, dig, build a sandcastle, collect shells, pick up mushrooms, talk, wash my hands, brush my teeth, hair, wake up, go to bed, make a bed, do exercise, do homework, ride a horse, cry, shout, open a door, close a door, dust the furniture, vacuum/ hoover, cut, fight, clean, laugh, think, sit down , stand up, sleep, turn on, off, give a flower, get a present, pull, push, carry a box, hold a ball, watch TV, work, wash the dishes, do gymnastics, karate, yoga, look at, point to, relax, break, fix, put on, take off

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